The Official Art Gallery of Nathan McCrorey


  • I wanted to try something different with this piece. What I decided to do was write a song and create music to the time lapse video of me drawing the image. The song is called “New Moon” and can be found below with more recent music releases The lyrics in the song were inspired by the artwork and intended to match up to the music as much as possible.

  • I don’t usually title my artwork but if I had to name this piece I would call it “Imposter Syndrome”. This term seems pretty popular these days. I’m not sure if it’s just a fashionable word in the zeitgeist at the moment or if it’s just because more than ever people are attempting to make a living doing the things that they love to do. Whatever the reason I do know one thing. I feel it.

  • This piece is largely about what it’s like to struggle with anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. I created a song to go with the artwork that I feel captures the essence of this piece. The lyrics in the chorus really accurately describe the emotions in this piece and probably the closest I’ve gotten to really opening up verbally about my mental health struggles. I don’t get into very specific detail but I try to express honesty how it feels to struggle with depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.

  • This piece was inspired by the last two years of my life and some of the highs and lows I’ve experienced. I tried to illustrate that by incorporating my “mental HELLth” tag into the piece. Within the past two years my mental health became a serious focus because my life was spiraling out of control. I had no choice but to change my entire way of life because I was in danger of giving up on myself completely.

  • This piece has a lot to do with all the memories and emotions that human beings seem to metaphorically run from. For me personally I ran away from my inner demons for a very long time and I still struggle with this from time to time. I spent a lot of years self medicating and isolating myself so I could feel relief from the things I was experiencing inside.

    Pretty recently I've been letting go and reflecting on the past- just letting the old emotions boil up and then they seem to kind of dissipate into thin air after a while. I guess this is like some form of self therapy. After that I usually get a burst of creative energy and I end I'm making one of these more expressive colorful pieces.

  • I think in some ways my colorful art is just chaos. Whereas my black and white art is controlled chaos. The different colors and seemingly random patterns let me explore my mind and heart at random like walking in the forest without a path. My black and white art feels like a more structured approach. It seems much more composed like walking along a well formed road. Although it has bumps and twists it’s smooth for the most part.


  • The song “New Moon” from NATHAN is available now on most streaming platforms. Just search “New Moon” from Nathan or click the link below!

  • The song “Mental Hellth” from NATHAN is available now on most streaming platforms. Just search “Mental Hellth” from Nathan or click the link below!